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Register for Expression of Interest



***Registration will close at midnight on the 4th April 2012***

In 2011 the UK National Ecosystem Assessment (UK NEA) delivered a wealth of information on the state, value (economic and social) and possible future of terrestrial, freshwater and marine ecosystems across the UK, but also identified a number of key uncertainties. Defra, along with a number of other funders, are now supporting a two-year long follow-on phase of the UK NEA to address some of these uncertainities and further develop and promote ways to use the evidence within decision and policy making at a range of spatial sales across the UK to a wide range of stakeholders.

One of the strengths of the UK NEA was getting people to work together. Although the follow-on project is not an assessment per se, this interdisciplinary approach remains at the heart of this new phase of research.

The UK NEA Secretariat is currently looking for suitably experienced individuals from a variety of disciplines (including economics, environmental science, geography, political science, social science) and organisations to register their interest in joining a research team for the follow-on project. This can be in the form of:

1. A Team Member – as an individual registering interest in being a member of a team that will be responsible for one (or more) work package(s). During the registration process you will be asked to indicate which work package(s) you are interested in and if there any specific elements of the work package(s), state your daily rate and to upload your CV. Note, we will be able to pay up to a maximum of £250 per day except in exceptional circumstances as agreed by the Funders Group.


2. A Principal Investigator – registering interest in leading a team for one (or more) work package(s). During the registration process you will be asked to indicate which work package(s) you are interested in leading, what you would do to deliver the research within the timeframe, how much it would cost (bearing in mind the maximum daily rate we would pay a Team Member), what kind of team you would need and suggest contributors, and upload your CV including the CV’s of your suggested contributors contained in a single pdf. 
The research component of the follow-on phase, which will have 14 months designated to undertaking the research, will focus on four Project Objectives covering the value of ecosystem stocks and service flows, cultural ecosystem services and shared values, scenarios, and tools and resources. These areas have been broken down into 10 Work Packages, which will ultimately form the basis for chapters of the resulting technical report. To assist with your application, descriptions of the Work Packages can be found in Annex 1 of the Guidance Document (see below). These have been agreed as being priority research areas by the Funders Group and an expert workshop, but they should not be regarded as finalized research plans. Once research teams have been formed the exact details of the Work Packages and budget will be discussed amongst the Expert Panel and its Co-Chairs and the Funders and Stakeholder Groups to distill key questions to be addressed. As experts themselves, the research teams will also have an opportunity to input into this process.

If you would like to be involved in the research component of the follow-on phase as an individual (Team Member) or as a Principal Investigator, please complete the online form to submit your expression of interest:

Firstly, download the Guidance Document  which includes additional information to assist you in your submission.
Then register via the orange form on the left hand side. This will provide log in details that will enable you to add or amend your information at a later date if necessary.

Finally, select one Work Package and the role you are interested in (Team Member or Principal Investigator) and complete the questions. At the end you will have the opportunity to return to the list of Work Packages and select another Work Package and/or role. Each Work Package requires a separate expression of interest.

The submission period will close on at midnight 4th April 2012. Most of the work is expected to begin about a month later.

If you have a specific query about the expression of interest please contact the UK NEA Secretariat at



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