New publications from the UK NEA Follow-on Phase, 26 June 2014
Findings of the interdisciplinary research conducted under the UK NEA Follow-on Phase were released today at an event hosted by the Living With Environmental Change. The event combines the launch of the Follow-on publications with a workshop, facilitated by the Ecosystems Knowledge Network, on sharing experiences of implementing the ecosystem approach.
The Synthesis and Technical reports of the UK NEA Follow-on can be downloaded from here.
UK NEA Follow-on Phase: New report released, 16 July 2013
The value of potential marine protected areas in the UK to divers and sea anglers - Final Report. Read more
Announcement of Opportunity for BESS workshops, 19 Feb 2013
The BESS (Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Sustainability) programme is a 6-year, £13 million research programme addressing NERC strategic challenges and societal needs and the UK Government’s strategic priorities with respect to biodiversity, ecosystems and their services. This funding call is for workshops which contribute to the goals of the BESS programme, with an indicative cost of up to £8000 per workshop or series of workshops.
More information | Application proforma
National Ecosystem Assessment achieves international impact, 24 April 2012
LWEC has published an article on how the UK NEA is continuing to generate international interest and is proving influential in the way other nations approach their own assessments.
Environment Secretary unveils the UK NEA follow-up phase, 27 March 2012
Environment Secretary Caroline Spelman spoke of the UK NEA follow-up phase in her speech at the Planet Under Pressure conference in London.
The Guardian | Speech | Business Green
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