
Monday, March 31, 2025


The True Value of Nature, 2 June 2011

The Secretary of State for the Environment, Caroline Spelman, today launched the findings of the UK National Ecosystem Assessment (UK NEA). The UK NEA, which analyses the value of the UK's natural environment by taking account of the economic, health and social benefits we get from nature, is the first of its kind at a fully national scale. A panel of experts involved in the process answered questions on technical aspects of the assessment and how these findings will be implemented into policy decisions. 

The Synthesis of the Key Findings along with the Technical Report, which forms the evidence base, can be downloaded from here.

Defra news | BBC news


Economic Analysis for Ecosystem Service Assessments - Thursday, October 28, 2010

The first output of the UK NEA has been published online in the journal Environmental and Resource Economics. The paper, authored by a small team of economists and natural scientists working on the UK NEA, seeks to contribute to the expanding literature on ecosystem service assessment by considering its integration with economic analyses of such here to view the full paper

Developing Scenarios for the UK NEA - Thursday, September 02, 2010

Follow the development of the Scenarios (plausible futures) for the UK the working papers.

First Global Business of Biodiversity Symposium - Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Rt Hon Caroline Spelman MP mentioned the UK NEA in her keynote speech at the First Global Business of Biodiversity Symposium in London on the 13 here to read the Secretary of State for the Environment's 'Biodiversity and the bottom line' speech.

Costing the Earth - Wednesday, April 07, 2010

BBC Radio 4's 'Costing the Earth' series featured the UK NEA's lead economist, Professor Ian Bateman. The interview was aired on 7 April at 9pm (BBC Radio 4 92-95 FM).…listen now.

Focusing on ecosystem services - Monday, March 29, 2010

Ecosystem services was the focus of a British Ecological Society’s Bulletin and included an overview of the UK NEAview the article.

First output of the UK NEA is launched - Friday, March 26, 2010

Hilary Benn, the Secretary of State for Defra, gave his continued support for the UK NEA when he spoke at an event, held at Defra on 22 February 2010, for the release of the UK NEA's Progress and Steps Towards Delivery brochure.

Local Links, Dec 2009

Dr Claire Brown, who coordinates the UK NEA Secretariat based in Cambridge, gave an overview of the UK NEA to members of Cambridge Conservation Forum (CCF). Details of the objectives and governance of the UK NEA were presented as well as how CFF members can get involved in the UK NEA process. 


Developing the UK National Ecosystem Assessment, Nov 2009

Developing the UK NEA was the focus of a jointly organised BES and UK-BRAG workshop at the BES Annual Meeting in September....view the workshop summary or the report.


UK NEA mentioned in Biology Letters article, 0ct 2009

The UK NEA was discussed during the Natural Capital Initiative conference on ‘Valuing our life support systems’ in May 2009. See  Biol. Lett.  23 October 2009 5 (5): 580-582 for more details.


First meeting of the UK NEA's Coordinating Lead Authors (CLAs), 29-30 Oct 2009

At the first meeting of the CLAs linkages were developed between the broad habitat types and ecosystem services sections of the UK NEA. The Valuation and Human Well-Being components of the assessment were discussed in detail.


First Meeting of the UK NEA's Expert Panel and Client group, 21-22 May 2009

This first meeting was led by the NEA’s Co-Chairs, Defra’s Chief Scientific Adviser, Professor Bob Watson and Professor Steve Albon of the Macaulay Institute. Key questions for the UK NEA to address, report structure, conceptual framework and the categorisation of ecosystems and ecosystem services were discussed.....view the meeting summary


First meeting of the UK NEA's User Group, 22 May 2009

Members reviewed the User Group’s Terms of Reference and the key questions for the UK NEA to address. Uses of the  UK NEA and the types of outputs were discussed......view the meeting summary

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