
Saturday, September 07, 2024

UK NEA follow-on phase

Stakeholder Group

The 28-member Stakeholder Group for the follow-on phase of the UK NEA includes representatives from government agencies, NGOs and the private sector from across the UK:



Ms. Amanda Brace
English National Park Authorities Association
Mr. David Pye
Local Government Association
Prof. Des Thompson
Scottish Natural Heritage
Dr. Diana Mortimer
Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Ms. Diane Brooke
Energy UK (RWE npower)
Dr. Diane Mitchell
National Farmers Union
Dr. Julia Baker
Chris Britton Consultancy Ltd
Ms. Eleanor Rowe
Royal Town Planning Institute
Mr. Gregor Henderson
Department of Health
Mr. James Byrne
Wales Environment Link (Wildlife Trusts Wales)
Mr. Jawed Khan
Office of National Statistics
Dr. Jim Wharfe
Environment Agency
Ms. Joanna Drewitt
Scottish Government
Mr. Jonathan Hughes
Scottish Environment Link (Scottish Wildlife Trust)
Dr. Kathyrn Monk
Single Body (Environment Agency Wales)
Mr. Nick Blyth
Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment
Dr. Patricia Almada Villela
Marine Management Organisation
Dr. Paul Morling
Wildlife and Countryside LINK (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds)
Mr. Peter Barham
Seabed User and Developer Group
Mr. Rob Jarman
National Trust
Dr. Roger Owen
Scottish Environment Protection Agency
Dr. Ruth Waters
Natural England
Dr. Sallie Bailey
Forestry Commission
Mr. Scott Dennison
Department of Communities and Local Government
Ms. Sue Ranger
Marine Conservation Society
Dr. Vince Holyoak
English Heritage
Mr. Charles Cowap
Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors



Photo Credits (left to right): Banner:  © Ian Bracegirdle; © Stewart Smith Photography; © ronfromyork; © Lichtmeister; © Suzanne Tucker; © Mirek Srb; © Samot. Photos used under license of

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