
Saturday, September 07, 2024


Client Group

A Client Group, consisting of the organisations that commissioned the UK NEA - Defra (England), the devolved administrations of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, together with some of the research councils (Natural Environment Research Council and Economic and Social Research Council) provided guidance and oversight.


Chris Lea

Steve Spode WAG
Keith Davies Countryside Council for Wales
Charles Stewart Roper Scottish Government
Joanna Drewitt Scottish Government
Mike Meharg DOENI
Mark Wright DOENI
Dan Osborn Natural Environment Research Council
Peter Costigan Defra
David Cooper Defra
Robert Bradburne Defra
Paul Rouse Economic and Social Research Council
John Wand

Economic and Social Research Council

Timothy Wright

Economic and Social Research Council







Photo Credits (left to right): Banner: © Steve; © Midlander1231; © Dave Kav; © Joe Edwards; © Keith1999; © Peter Mulligan; © David Mason
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