
Thursday, December 05, 2024

UK NEA follow-on phase

Work Package 1: Natural Capital Asset Check



The state of our natural capital assets is not routinely assessed for their ability to support critical future ecosystem services. However, contemporary techniques make such analysis possible, and can be applied in a number of examples which provide information that improves decision-making.



To review and develop the conceptual framework developed in the Defra scoping study

To review and develop further information on (i) data inputs and (ii) relationships between natural capital assets.

To conduct further case studies and testing of this approach

To create links to modified national income accounts (incorporating ecosystem services value)


The research will further develop and test (through approximately 10 case-studies) a framework for undertaking an “asset check” of Natural Capital that has been defined through a study for Defra, scoping the natural asset check concept. The group will develop a tool for undertaking the natural capital asset check, and will provide examples of how asset checks apply to different elements of natural capital and at different scales. This will both link to the inclusion of Natural Capital in the National Accounts, and also provide a new tool to enable the value of nature to be better reflected in impact assessments and environmental appraisal.




Opportunity for input

Anticipated audience(s)

UK peer review of concepts

Broadly complete through study team’s review of proposed NCAC method

Peer review process

Technical analysts informing decision-makers from local to national levels.

Wider promotion of NCAC approach

Limited to within study team and UKNEA contacts


Links welcome

Stimulate others to bring forward asset checks

To be carried out alongside promotion of results

Broad at concluding stages of UKNEAFO


Input to NCC thinking on “unsustainable use”

Ongoing: existing method informed ‘state of natural capital’ report, and case studies will provide NCC with relevant material.


NCC members & stakeholders

Synthesis report

First draft method complete. Revision due June 2013

Peer review process

Natural environment decision-makers

Catalogue of case studies

Draft are currently being reviewed within the project team and will be submitted in June 2013

Peer review process

Publicly available “approach” guiding NCAC

Draft will be submitted in June 2013

Peer review process

Methods/tools being developed:

Framework for Natural Capital Asset check

Anticipated Case Studies

Conduct case studies and testing of natural capital assets approach in decision making and appraisal situations


Blue carbon (scoping)


Soil quality

Urban green space (cultural services)


Saltmarsh fisheries (extension)

Estuaries x2

Review links to accounts

Links to other Work packages:

WP2: Links to deployment of other forms of capital

WP3: Understand value of future performance of NK assets

WP4: Understanding of cultural values from NK assets

WP5: Understanding of cultural values from NK assets

WP6: Predicted future condition of NK assets; Time focus? Possible link if future orientated

WP7: Predicted future condition of NK assets

WP8: How to input asset check to wider policy making

WP9/WP10: New tool?/Design of tools; Asset checks as part of wider toolkit


Principal Investigator:

Ian Dickie (Economics for the Environment Consultancy)

Team Members:

Giles Atkinson (London School of Economics) 
Mel Austen (Plymouth Marine Laboratory) 
Luke Brander (Freelance) 
Alan Glyn Jones (Aberystwyth University) 
Rosie Hails (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology) 
Nick Hanley (University of Stirling) 
Tiziana Luisetti (University of East Anglia)
Alistair McVittie & Dominic Moran (Scottish Agricultural College)      

Resource allocated: £125,000



Photo Credits (left to right): Banner:  © Ian Bracegirdle; © Stewart Smith Photography; © ronfromyork; © Lichtmeister; © Suzanne Tucker; © Mirek Srb; © Samot. Photos used under license of
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