
Wednesday, October 23, 2024




 Suggested citation for the UK NEAFO Reports:


UK National Ecosystem Assessment Follow-on (2014) The UK National Ecosystem Assessment Follow-on: Synthesis of the Key Findings. UNEP-WCMC, LWEC, UK.


See example from Work Package 1: 

Dickie, I., Cryle, P. & Maskell, L. (2014) UK National Ecosystem Assessment Follow-on. Work Package Report 1: Developing the evidence base for a Natural Capital Asset Check: What characteristics should we understand in order to improve environmental appraisal and natural income accounts? UNEP-WCMC, LWEC, UK.


Suggested citation for the UK NEA Reports:


UK National Ecosystem Assessment (2011) The UK National Ecosystem Assessment: Synthesis of the Key Findings. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge.


UK National Ecosystem Assessment (2011) The UK National Ecosystem Assessment: Technical Report. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge.

For an individual chapter from the UK NEA Technical Report, see example from Chapter 1:

Brown, C., Walpole, M., Simpson, L. & Tierney, M. (2011) Introduction to the UK National Ecosystem Assessment. In: The UK National Ecosystem Assessment Technical Report. UK National Ecosystem Assessment, UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge.


Media coverage of the UK NEA launch

 Click here to view some of the media coverage from the launch of the UK NEA Synthesis Report, including a stakeholders response on the importance of the UK NEA's findings.

UK NEA & NEAFO Publications



Reports from the UK National Ecosystem Assessment Follow-on Phase

These reports are also available to download from

June 2014

UK National Ecosystem Assessment Follow-on: Synthesis of Key Findings 


Work Package Report 1: Developing the evidence base for a Natural Capital Asset Check: What characteristics should we understand in order to improve environmental appraisal and natural income accounts?

Work Package Report 1: Annex 4 – Case studies 

Work Package Report 2: Macroeconomic implications of ecosystem service change and management: A scoping study 

Work Package Report 3: Economic value of ecosystem services

Work Package Report 4: Coastal and marine ecosystem services: Principles and Practice

Work Package 4: Coastal and marine ecosystem services: Principles and Practice – Summary 

Work Package Report 5: Cultural ecosystem services and indicators

Work Package Report 5: Arts & Humanities Annex 1 – Arts & Humanities Perspectives on Cultural Ecosystem Services

Work Package Report 5: Arts & Humanities Annex 2 – Additional Cultural Values work

Work Package Report 5: Arts & Humanities Annex 3 – Cultural Ecosystem Services: A Keywords Manual

Work Package Report 6: Shared, plural and cultural values of ecosystems

Work Package Report 6: Shared, plural and cultural values of ecosystems – Summary 

Building on the work of the UKNEAFO - Handbook for decision-makers

Work Package Report 7: Operationalising scenarios in the UK National Ecosystem Assessment Follow-on

Work Package Report 7: Supplementary Material 1. Leeds Questionaire

Work Package Report 7: Supplementary Material 2. Christie and McCabe (2013)

Work Package Report 7: Supplementary Material 3. Haines-Young (2011)

Work Package Report 7: Supplementary Material 4. Lum (2013)

Work Package Report 7: Supplementary Material 5. Gosling et al. (2013)

Work Package Report 7: Supplementary Material 6. Norris & Butler (2013)

Work Package Report 7: Supplementary Material 7. ABPMer (2013) 

Work Package Report 8: Robust response options: What response options might be used to improve policy and practice for the sustainable delivery of ecosystem services? 

Work Package Report 9: Embedding an Ecosystem Services Framework in appraisal: Key barriers and enablers 

Work Package Report 10: Tools – Applications, Benefits and Linkages for Ecosystem Science (TABLES)

Work Package Report 10: Appendices


Work that builds on the UK NEAFO can be accessed via the LWEC website


July 2013

The value of potential marine protected areas in the UK to divers and sea anglers - Final Report (FINAL  8 MB)


Reports from the UK National Ecosystem Assessment

 June 2011

Synthesis of Key Findings (FINAL  6.4 MB)


June 2011

Technical Report

Front cover (FINAL 1.7 MB)

Prelims - including Table of Contents / Foreword / Governance Structure (FINAL 260 KB)

• Chapter 1 Introduction  (FINAL 2 MB)

• Chapter 2 Conceptual Framework and Methodology (FINAL 676 KB)

• Chapter 3 Drivers of Change in UK Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services (FINAL 2.7 MB) 

• Chapter 4 Biodiversity in the Context of Ecosystem Services (FINAL 2.7 MB)

• Chapter 5 Mountains, Moorlands and Heaths (FINAL 7.2 MB)

• Chapter 6 Semi-natural Grasslands (FINAL 2.6 MB)

• Chapter 7 Enclosed Farmland (FINAL 2.8 MB)

• Chapter 8 Woodlands (FINAL 8.3 MB)

• Chapter 9 Freshwaters: Openwaters, Wetlands and Floodplains (FINAL 6.2 MB)

• Chapter 10 Urban (FINAL 4.9 MB)

• Chapter 11 Coastal Margins (FINAL 4.9 MB)

• Chapter 12 Marine (FINAL 3.6 MB)

• Chapter 13 Supporting Services (FINAL 3.5 MB)

• Chapter 14 Regulating Services (FINAL 3.1 MB)

• Chapter 15 Provisioning Services (FINAL 3 MB)

• Chapter 16 Cultural Services (FINAL 2.8 MB)

• Chapter 17 Status and changes in ecosystems and their services to society: England (FINAL 6.8 MB)

• Chapter 18 Status and Changes in Ecosystems and their Services to Society: Northern Ireland (FINAL 5.4 MB)

• Chapter 19 Status and changes in ecosystems and their services to society: Scotland  (FINAL 5.6 MB)

• Chapter 20 Status and changes in ecosystems and their services to society: Wales (FINAL 5.6 MB)

• Chapter 21 UK Dependence on Non-UK Ecosystem Services (FINAL 2.7 MB)

• Chapter 22 Economic Values from Ecosystems (FINAL 10 MB)

• Chapter 23 Health Values from Ecosystems (FINAL 1.5 MB)

• Chapter 24 Shared Values for the Contributions Ecosystem Services Make to Human Well-being (FINAL 448 KB)

• Chapter 25 Scenarios: Development of Storylines and Analysis of Outcomes (FINAL 3.3 MB)

• Chapter 26 Valuing Changes in Ecosystem Services: Scenario Analyses (FINAL 6.4 MB)

• Chapter 27 Response Options (FINAL 9.1 MB)

•  Glossary / Abbreviations and Acronyms / Contributors / Acknowledgements (FINAL 272 KB)

•  Back cover (FINAL 559 KB)



June 2014

Synthesis of the Key Findings   (8 MB)

If you require a high resolution version of the Synthesis Report please contact the UK NEA Secretariat.


June 2011

Synthesis of the Key Findings (6 MB)

If you require a high resolution version of the Synthesis Report please contact the UK NEA Secretariat.


February 2010

Progress and Steps Towards Delivery 


high resolution PDF / low resolution PDF


Photo Credits (left to right): Banner: © Angus Kirk; © Martin; © Craig Rodway © Juergen Kurlwink; © Barry Ennor; © Russel Smith; © Midlander1231.

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